
El Paso County 2040 Major Transportation Corridors Plan (MTCP)

Friday, May 10, 2024

FACO Webinar Insurance Links

Friday, May 10, 2024

This is a Link to the FACO information sheet provided at the May 11 2024 General Meeting

FACO Additional Resources Sheet


2024 Meeting Info

Thursday, January 4, 2024

NEPCO will continue our in-person General Membership Meetings for 2024 in the Woodmoor Community Center (the "Barn") located at the Woodmoor Improvement Association, 1691 Woodmoor Drive Monument, CO 80132.

The General Membership Meetings are planned for the 2nd Saturday of every other month and start at 10 A.M. and conclude at 12 P.M.  Topics, speakers and dates within the  month are preliminary and may change due to the availibilty of speakers and facilities, but meetings will be held in the planned months.

Planned topics for 2024 are the following:

20 January  - Public Safety - with El Paso County Sheriff, Monument Police Chief, Woodmoor Chief Security

9  March - Topic is 2024 Ongoing HOA Legislation - PPACG Andy Gunning, PPACG Legislation Communications Jared Verner

11 May - Recent Colorado State Legislative Impacts on HOAs from the 2024 Legistative Session - HOA Attorney Bryce Meighan, from Orten, Cavanaugh, Holmes & Hunt, LLC

13 July  - Parks, Trails, Open Space, Recreation - Trails and Open Space Coalition, Monument, County Parks 

9 September - El Paso County Planning and Roads  - Executive Director, Planning and Community, Meggan Herington, Executive Director Public Works, Kevin Mastin

11 November - County Issues, Solutions and Accomplishments: El Paso County Commissioners Holly Williams (District 1) and Stan VanderWerf (District 3).

 We look forward to seeing you at the NEPCO meetings in 2024

Stay safe and stay healthy !!


September Land Use Information - Monument Ridge East and West

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Land Use Presentation Charts from 10 September General Meeting describing proposed annexation of areas called Monument Ridge East and West, east and west of I-25 at County Line road.  Town of Monument Trustees are considering annexation with future developer planning that has apartment buildings, townhomes, small number of homes and commercial properties.  

NEPCO Info Charts on Monument Ridge East and West 


August 8 2022, Caliber Development Briefing

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

On 8 August a neighborhood meeing was held at the Woodmoor Barn with representatives from Garrett Companies. They are proposing a rezoning of a 16 acre vacant piece of land immediatley adjacent to Palmer Ridge High School from Commercial to RM-30, which is High Density Residential. Garret wants to develop this area witih 20 buildings holding 264 apartments. 19 buildings would be 2 story withunderground parking and 10 units, and one building would be a 3 story with 64 units and outside parking. This breifing is what Garrett COmpanies presented. 8 August Garrett Comany Briefing.


El Paso County Safe Street Alliance

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

El Paso is one of the most rapidly growing of Colorado counties.  With this growth comes increasing traffic volume and the potential for commuters to use our neighborhood streets to bypass congestion.  Unlike Colorado Springs, the rest of El Paso County does not benefit from a program to use speed tables, chicanes, roundabouts and other calming measures to slow traffic speed and volume on neighborhood streets.  Please urge the El Paso County Commissioners to expand traffic calming countywide by signing the El Paso Safe Streets Alliance petition at: El Paso Safe Streets Alliance.


NEPCO Wildfire Preparedness Committee

Monday, August 30, 2021

“The NEPCO Wildfire Preparedness Committee would like you to view a 14 minute video entitled “The Black Forest Fire – Pikes Peak Wildfire Prevention Partners”.  “Click on this link.



Upcoming Events

Jan 2024 Board Business Meeting
Start Date/Time:
Friday, January 5, 2024 9:00 AM
End Date/Time:
Friday, January 5, 2024 11:00 AM
Recurring Event:
One time event
Normal Priority
Woodmoor Conference Room

2024 Planning and Strategy 

Owned by Michael Aspenson On Wednesday, December 14, 2022